Facing a job loss can be stressful, and receiving a severance agreement adds another layer of complexity. It's crucial to understand that you have the option to negotiate your severance agreement before signing it. This step can ensure that you receive fair...
Severance Agreements
Tax implications of severance packages in Florida
When employees leave a company, particularly in the case of termination or layoffs, it is common for their employers to provide severance packages. These often include health benefits and other perks. Knowing the tax responsibilities of severance pay is essential to...
Are waivers in employee severance agreements valid?
When drafting and reviewing a severance agreement, both employers and employees have to ensure that its provisions comply with employment and contract laws. During the review process, parties usually thoroughly inquire into the validity of waivers in severance...
Provisions to look out for before signing severance agreements
The provisions of severance agreements are usually drafted to protect employers. While some contract terms might not violate employee rights, other provisions may place an employee in a disadvantaged position. Understandably, not all employees are adept at reading and...
What voids a severance agreement?
Going through a career transition after being laid off brings a lot of uncertainties. You cannot help but worry about your future after suddenly losing your job. There is a lot to think about that you might overlook a crucial step: reviewing the severance agreement....
Questions surrounding severance agreements
Following a decision by the National Labor Relations Board, new rules about severance agreements have provided more questions than answers. The NLRB now prohibits employers from mandating that workers recently laid off being forced to sign non-disparaging and...
Negotiating a severance agreement
Employment relationships have undergone big changes in the last few years. Employees must still do all they can to seek the best severance package and avoid accepting whatever is offered when their job ends. Severance Employees are entitled to certain benefits but...
How do I know if I should sign a severance agreement?
Especially among executive and management positions, it has become common for employers in the Orlando area to offer employees a severance agreement if they are choosing to let an employee go. For both employers and employees alike, there are many benefits to...
How do severance agreements work?
Things happen quickly when an employee loses their job. Often, quick decisions must be made concerning the terms of severance during a stressful time. Severance agreements Severance agreements contain the conditions for job termination. The terms of these agreements...