Managing wage and hour rules is more difficult now that remote work is more common. Employers have to follow many federal, state, and local laws while allowing employees the flexibility they need to work from home. Using the right strategies helps employers avoid...
Wage And Hour Laws
What is the 7-minute rule for the Fair Labor Standards Act?
Navigating the details of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is crucial for both employees and employers, especially for understanding how to track and pay hours. The 7-minute rule is a key aspect that affects time-rounding practices. Understanding the 7-minute rule...
Can employers require off-the-clock work?
You might wonder if there are situations where your employer in Florida can ask you to work off the clock. It's a common question, especially in industries with long hours or where job duties extend beyond the typical workday. While the law generally requires...
Minor employees and denied breaks
In this fast-paced world, it can be all too easy to push one’s self to the limit. For example, some minor employees are told to skip breaks in pursuit of productivity. However, when workers are denied the opportunity to rest and recharge, it can have significant...
The mental impact of unpaid overtime
In today's fast-paced work culture, many employees find themselves working longer hours than ever before. While putting in extra time at work may seem like a necessary sacrifice to get ahead, the mental impact of unpaid overtime can be significant and often...
Why should employees verify their employment classification?
Your employment classification matters more than you might realize. It directly impacts your rights as an employee. You work hard for your earnings and deserve every benefit entitled to you by law. Accurate employment classification is the key to unlocking those...
How to make lawful wage deductions in Florida
Navigating wage deductions can be challenging, especially since the limitations often vary from state to state. In Florida, the regulations typically reflect federal law, but it can still be confusing, depending on the employer's practices and the reason behind the...
How should you address an overtime pay violation?
Overtime pay is a fundamental labor protection that ensures fair compensation for additional time at work. However, sometimes employers attempt to evade paying overtime. According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office, employers in 2019 owed workers nearly $100...
3 myths about overtime pay you should not fall for
Overtime pay is a common benefit for workers, but not everyone understands it. The confusion might come from several factors, such as vague time-tracking or unclear explanations by certain employers. In any case, some employees believe the following myths about...
Are Florida employers required to give breaks?
Taking a break to grab a bite and rest your eyes for a bit can definitely help you decompress from work. You might think that all employers provide their employees with ample break time but actually, some states like Florida do not mandate employers to provide meal or...