In light of workplace tragedies, including the recent reports of the German airline pilot that crashed the plane and had a history of depression, there is a spotlight on the tenuous balance that both employees and employers face regarding privacy and workplace safety....
A Small Employer’s Guide to Hiring the Right Employee
At some point, most small businesses become small employers. But how does a small business, which has generally been run by one or two owners who have each spent time performing the roles of President, Customer Service Representative, Bookkeeper, and Handyman (or...
Celebrating Our Independence
How Abercrombie and Fitch Changed Religious Discrimination in the U.S.
In the highly publicized EEOC v Abercrombie & Fitch Stores, Inc., the Supreme Court of the United States made it clear that employers must be very careful when making hiring decisions that can potentially involve the need for a religious accommodation. In the...
Unemployment Benefits in Florida – How Long do They Last?
Once you have applied for unemployment benefits, you may have difficulty figuring out exactly how many weeks you are eligible to receive. According to Florida Statue § 443.111, the duration of benefits is directly tied to the State of Florida’s average unemployment...
I am Pregnant – Does My Employer’s “Light Duty” Policy Apply to Me?
The Pregnancy Discrimination Act (“PDA”) makes it illegal for employers to discriminate on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. Employers must treat women affected by pregnancy or related conditions in the same manner as other employees...
I Have a Business Idea … Now What?
At some point, everyone has come across a great business idea or venture they wish to undertake, but will usually give up in the early stages due to a lack of knowledge about how to start a business. However, you don’t have to be a business major, have an MBA, or be...
Understanding Your Severance Agreement
Should I Sign It? You are being let go by your employer and your boss hands you a severance agreement and general release. At first, you feel a sense of comfort expecting to receive some additional compensation. You browse over it to see how much money your employer...
Honoring the Fallen
No Really… Size Doesn’t Matter
You may have heard that unless an employer has 15 or more employees, it cannot be held liable for sexual harassment under Title VII or the Florida Civil Rights Act (“FCRA”). While that is statutorily true, it doesn’t mean that the employer cannot be held liable based...